Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10/30/12 Today's Albums, Baby Don't Get It

10/30/12  Today's Albums:

Baby Don't Get It - ESP
Back in the World of Adventures - The Flower Kings
Bad - Michael Jackson
Bad Hair Day - Weird Al Yankovich
Band of Joy - Robert Plant
Banks of Eden - The Flower Kings (woowoo, double FK day)
Basne - Collage
Batman: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Danny Elfman
Bahaus:PeterMurphy:LoveAndRockets . . . - Various


Well that was certainly a day of music wasn't it.  There were quite a few musical highlights here, a day with two albums from one of my favorite bands of all time (The Flower Kings), Bad and Basne.  We've also hit a milestone here, we are through the albums beginning with the letter A.

We kicked things off with "Coffee and a Doughnut" by ESP which is about as appropriate as you can get for the morning, lot's of good, original music on there.  Baby was put out before I joined the band, though during my time with them, I played just about everything on the tape at one point or another.  This is where you can here "The Cat in the Hat" to the tune of "Man in the Box", "Enter Sandman" has become "The Hokey Pokey Man" and the first mash up that I had heard of (they weren't called Mash-Up's back then, we called them airplanes, and they had wings, and you could use them to get from one city to another) . . . (but I digress), you haven't quite lived until you've heard "U Can't Touch This" rapped over "Smells Like Teen Spirit".

The Flower Kings are The Flower Kings, most people either love them, hate them or have no clue who they are.  Actually, most people don't know who they are.  . . . but those of us that do, either love them or hate them.  Back to the World of Adventures is early FK and not my favorite by them but it clicked a little more than usual, not the end of the world because we had Banks of Eden a few discs later which is, in fact, one of my favorites.

Bad was bad.  Smooth Criminal is great.  Seriously, that's the reason the CD is on my computer.  If I wasn't an annoying completionist, I'd delete the rest of the CD and save myself the horror of "Man in the Mirror" ever playing again.

Basne was difficult to listen to, there's only so much Polish prog (actually sung in Polish) that one man can take.  It was probably good, but I had had enough.  The Batman Soundtrack was a nice classical diversion and while I did enjoy the new version of "Coming Down Hard" from the Bauhaus and family CD, the whole thing was so so.  I'm adding "Bang of Joy to tomorrow's playlist as I missed it completely on Tuesday.

  • Winner
    • Banks of Eden - The Flower Kings (woowoo, double FK day)
  • Growers
    • Baby Don't Get It - ESP
    • Back in the World of Adventures - The Flower Kings
  • Keepers
    • Bad Hair Day - Weird Al Yankovich
    • Batman: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Danny Elfman
  • Wibblers (no opinion one way or another)
    • Bahaus:PeterMurphy:LoveAndRockets . . . - Various
  • Moodies (Albums for a certain mood)

  • Bleh
    • Bad - Michael Jackson
    • Basne - Collage

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