Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24/12  Today's Albums:

Antics - Interpol
Apostrophe / Over-nite Sensation - Frank Zappa
Archive 1976-1992 - Genesis (discs 1 & 3)
Are They Still Pissing Anywhere - ESP
Are You Nervous - Rock Kills Kid
Arrows and Anchors - Fair to Midland
The Art of Navigating by the Stars - Siege's Even
Artificial Paradise - Sylvan


Ok, my first thought, the first song off of the Interpol CD sucks. . . second thought, the second song on the Interpol CD sucks also.  Honestly, I don't know If I'm going to get through this one.  It may be the first CD that actually gets booted from the hard drive as the result of this exercise.  Ok, the third song has some redeeming qualities.  At the end of the CD, one or two tolerable songs barely saved this album from the creation of a new category 'Albums that were immediately deleted from my hard drive in the hopes of never having to listen to them again in my lifetime . . . ever'.  Luckily we followed this up with a few great ones, Apostrophe started out with the classic "Don't You Eat that Yellow Snow" and the chaos went from there.

ESP was a band I played for back in the early nineties.  After we split up, they went on with a new line up and did some great stuff, 'Are They Still Pissing Anywhere' is a compilation of two of their albums and features "Thirsty King Leprechaun" which actually made me laugh out loud.  I'll share the lyrics as best as I can remember them:

Thirsty King Leprechaun was riding on his dragon fly . . . frou de forrest
He wasn't felling good at all til he poked a monkey in the eye . . . then he ran away
I don't deserve to be in charge of all these Leprechauns, with their houses and kitchens and rooms
I always ask them for water and juice cause I'm thirsty . . . 

Pure silliness.

We ended the day with some solid favorites, Sieve's Even is fantastic German Prog Metal, Fair to Midland is one of my favorite new bands and Sylvan's "Artificial Paradise" has been in my regular listening rotation for more than a year now.

  • Winner
    • Are They Still Pissing Anywhere - ESP
  • Growers

  • Keepers
    • Apostrophe / Over-nite Sensation - Frank Zappa
    • Are You Nervous - Rock Kills Kid
    • Arrows and Anchors - Fair to Midland
    • The Art of Navigating by the Stars - Siege's Even
    • Artificial Paradise - Sylvan
  • Wibblers (no opinion one way or another)

  • Moodies (Albums for a certain mood)
    • Archive 1976-1992 - Genesis (discs 1 & 3)
  • Bleh
    • Antics - Interpol

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